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What are Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC)?

MSC is a type of stem cells commonly found in human body. They are able to differentiate into different types of cells or tissues. They are useful in regeneration of bones, cartilage, muscles, etc.

Where are Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) found?

MSCs resides in different organs or tissues of the human body. The younger the person is, the higher the number of available stem cells are in the body. MSCs are in abundance in bone marrow,fat tissue, umbilical cord, and to a lesser extend other parts of the body.

Where do Global Cell stem cells come from?

Global Cell collaborates with a leading stem cell company, an award winning medical laboratory located in Canada, which is fully FDA registered,
cGMP compliant and Quality Management System certified with ISO 9001 and ISO 13485. The cells are harvested from umbilical cord and bone marrow then cultivated by the company there. The selection of these donated cells is extremely regulated and strict. We also work closely with Malaysia local universities to culture and expand the cells in Malaysia. All of our cells are expanded using safe and stringent protocols. All cells will be QC, for viability, contaminations, endotoxins before treatment to ensure proper quality assurance standards are met.

Why use umbilical cord tissue?

The characteristics of Umbilical cord blood stem cells:

  • Are easier to collect as it involves a painless and non-invasive procedure without need for any extractions.
  • they are readily available, in great supply Free from immune rejection.
  • Are younger, more potent, and undifferentiated; thereby yielding a higher engraftment rate. When put to use, result in lower rates of graft vs. host disease or GvHD, which is a leading cause of stem cell transplant failure. Are non-infectious because they have zero risk contaminated with latent types of virus.
    Given their primordial nature, it means they are not as exposed to disorders compared to bone marrow stem cells that might have been
    subjected to several disease processes within a patient’s lifespan. Nearly 70% of patients in need of bone marrow transplants are unlucky in
    finding donors through registries. With umbilical cord blood transplants, this problem is eliminated, most especially now that there are recent advances indicating transplant success even with the use of unmatched HLA cord blood.

Cord tissue is rich in mesenchymal stem cells, potentially used to help heal, regenerate & treat a variety of conditions. Cord tissue-derived cells are essentially “new”, in their most primal state, free from the effects of aging or disease.Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) derived from umbilical cord tissue have shown the ability to avoid a negative response from a person’s immune system, allowing the cells to be transplanted in a wide range of people
without fear of rejection. These transplants may have the ability to vastly increase the body’s natural healing abilities and have potent antiinflammatory and immunosuppressive responses.

How does Stem Cell Therapy work?

Mesenchymal Stem Cells Therapy is a non-surgical, minimally invasive, nonpharmacologic treatment that allows our body own natural healing process to repair or regenerate injured tissues. This is because MSCs have the ability to differentiate into different types of cells and tissues, renewing themselves through continuous cell division. Besides, They also secrete good chemical signals to help in the healing process.

What are treatable diseases by Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC)?

Hearing Loss
Hypoxic Ischemic
Testicular Lymphoma
Critical Limb Ischemia
Cartilage Repair
Traumatic Brain Injury
Lung Disease
Heart Disease

Visual Impairment
Liver Cirrhosis
Retinal Disease
Spinal Cord Injury
Chronic Wounds
Graft Versus Host Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Celebral Palsy
Muscular Dystrophy
Hair Loss
Immune System Disorders
Kidney Disorder

Amyotrophic Lateral
Liver Cirrhosis
Renal Failure
Buerger’s Disease
Huntington’s Disease
Hormonal Imbalance
Alzheimer’s Disease
Parkinson Disease

Who perform the treatment?

Certified doctors perform every treatment.

How the mesenchymal stem cells transplant to the body?

Qualified stem cell infusion (drip) or injection into the body.

Who is the candidate for stem cell therapy? Is stem cell therapy right for you?

If pain from any of the above conditions is blocking you from doing the things you love, this treatment could help. The health professional will review your medical history and report to give advice whether you will respond well to this treatment.

Who is not a candidate for stem cell therapy?

Patients with active tumor, cancers and/or infections

Is stem cell therapy covered by insurance?

Currently these stem cell procedures are not commonly covered by insurance. This will likely change in the coming years due to a surprising amount of evidence mounting in its effectiveness.

Is stem cell therapy safe?

Stem cell therapy is a safe procedure. The physician must follow proper cell administration techniques. Patients must also be screened for treatment
candidacy as all people may not be a candidate for stem cells. At Global Cell, there have been no reports of any long term adverse side effects or worsening of the patient’s condition following treatment with cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells.

Is stem cell therapy ethical?

The controversy is mainly sparked by embryonic stem cells, which are not used in practical therapy. It is not legal to use embryonic stem cells in therapy. Scell Culture Lab do not provide embryonic stem cells. The stem cells from Scell Culture Lab are sourced from umbilical cord and bone marrow. Umbilical cord stem cells are donated by informed consent by a newborn’s parents for research and medical purposes. The transfer of these stem cells to therapy clinics is a highly controlled process.

Is stem cell therapy legal?

The usage of adult (bone marrow and adipose tissue) and umbilical cord stem cells to treat various conditions and diseases is legal. The only stem cells that are prohibited in therapy and are highly regulated in research are embryonic stem cells.

Does stem cell therapy work?

You’re probably skeptical about whether the stem cell therapy actually work, and how much of a change can it actually produce for patients. We’ll give you information from these sources to form an opinion of your own:

  • Medical research and testimonials
What is the success of the treatments?

Success of the treatment depends on the severity of the condition as well as each patient’s own healing potential. Most patients respond well to stem cell treatments and report significant improvement in their mobility and ability to return to activities they enjoy. Many of our patients have had dramatic recoveries from conditions such as arthritis, regaining the ability to walk, dance, run, or climb again without pain. At the very least, the vast majority of patients report a reduction in the pain they had been having. The success rate of your specific condition will be assessed at your initial consultation once we have a chance to review your injury.

How long is the treatment process?

The treatment will be scheduled 14-30days after the confirmation because our expert scientists take time to cultivate the mesenchymal cells live and freshly for each patients. The treatment process takes 45 minutes to 2 hours depends on the patients’ condition.

How long is the recovery?

Most patients report little to no pain. Some patients may feel soreness in the treated joint for about 4-5 days, but are generally able to walk around and do their normal activities. We recommend patients to limit their activities for the first 1-2 weeks and then begin to slowly return to physical activity as recommended by the health professionals. Patients can typically get back into sports and exercise at 4-6 weeks out from the procedure.

How long it take to see the result?

It takes a few weeks to a few months for stem cells to start actively multiplying and differentiating within the patient’s body. Most of our patients feel significant results within 2-6 months period. Many patients record improvements to their quality of life and a lessening of their symptoms within the first few weeks following treatment. Every patient is unique and will respond to treatment differently.

How long do the effects of the treatment last?

Patient response to treatment is dependent on a large variety of biological factors, however is also subject to the behavior and lifestyle of the patient. Patients who adhere to an active lifestyle, anti-inflammatory diet, and restrict the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine can seen sustained results for 2 years, depending on condition. On average, we have seen little signs of regression out to 18 months following treatment and patients rarely return to their pre-treatment state.

Are there any side effects of stem cell therapy?

Common short-term side effects immediately following the cell transplant have been fatigue, headache, and nausea. These effects typically subside between 1-2 hours. There is no risk of rejection to mesenchymal cells within the body. A few patients only have some mild tenderness for a few days following the procedure. Unlike surgery, patients never lose their mobility while resuming activities of normal living very rapidly. There is a very low rate of infection and no concerns for blood clots or pneumonias as seen with surgery.

Can the body reject Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC)?

Cord-tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells do not have any risk of rejection within the body. They are youthful, immune-privileged, undifferentiated cells that have no rejection in the body because they have yet to be “claimed.” There are no blood products associated with them either, removing the need for a donor match; they are accepted universally. These cells seek out inflammation in the body and begin to heal the damaged tissue.

Is there research that support stem cell therapy?

Yes. Although stem cell therapy is relatively new, there are thousands of published studies relating to this field of medicine. Because of the positive results patients are experiencing, mesenchymal stem cells continue to be a focus of intense interest amongst researchers.

How to make payment?

By Cash, Bank deposit or Credit card. Minimum 50% of Deposit payment has to be made once upon confirmation. Our scientists will start the mesenchymal cells cultivation process when we confirm receipt of payment.